Thursday, April 11, 2013

Getting Out of the Boat (An Open Letter to New Missionaries)

Just last week one of my nieces went on her first mission trip. Having just had my own first mission trip experience, I was very excited for her and all that she would experience. Her supporters were invited to write her a letter that would be given to her while on mission, so I did. I'm posting it here to share the sentiments within with all new missionaries embarking on their first trip or for people considering taking their first mission trip. Of course, even if you don't fall into one of those categories, you are welcome to read and comment as well! My trip to Haiti changed me deeply in profound ways. My hope is the same for all who decide to follow God's call to "get out of the boat."

Dear Rachel,

In Matthew 14:22-33 is the story of Jesus calling Peter to get out of the boat and to walk across the water to him. Peter steps out onto the water in faith, but lets his fear take over before he can reach Jesus and begins to sink. As you are on mission in Trinidad, you are metaphorically stepping out of the boat (your life) and onto the water (mission field) as Jesus has called you to do so. This takes great faith and courage and I commend you for being brave enough, and faithful enough, to follow God’s prompting. Most people never will. I wanted to share with you a passage I read while I was on mission in Haiti that really spoke to me. Think about it:

“Peter may have been the first one out of the boat, but Jesus’ invitation to walk on water is for you as well. That’s where you’ll meet him: out where the sea is high and the footing impossible. As a follower of Jesus, you want to go where he calls you. But walk on water? What does that mean? Walking on water means facing your fears and choosing not to let fear have the last word. Walking on water means discovering and embracing the unique calling of God on your life. Walking on water means experiencing the power of God in your life to do something you would not be capable of doing on your own. Expect a few waves to slap you in the face. Failure comes with the territory – but so does the strong hand of Jesus, pulling you up when the bottom drops out. And so do brilliant successes and rewards that far outweigh any of the risks.” – John Ortberg, If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat

You’ve stepped out of the boat and, by now, you have probably already experienced a myriad of emotions, all of which will be used by God to reshape your soul and challenge everything you once held as infallible. The Rachel that steps off that plane in Trinidad will not be the same Rachel that steps back onto it a week later; that’s unavoidable. The key is to spend this week in extreme communion with God, with your fellow missionaries, and with the people whom you came to serve. Let it all out; the good and the bad. Rid yourself of anything keeping you from hearing God at all times and leave it at the foot of the cross. When you return to your life in the US, the hectic pace and the culture in general will be overwhelming, and you’ll need to draw on the Lord continually to remain on mission for Him while back on your native soil. This week, God will change your life if you let Him.

Let Him.

I am so very proud of you for giving of yourself in this way. Your willingness to go as God has called you will change this world; even if it is by one person at a time. It may feel as though what you do this week is just a drop in a bottomless bucket when confronted with the severe depth of poverty, but with God, all things are possible. Mother Teresa once said “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” I pray that you cast as many stones as your arms will allow, not only this week, but for all your weeks to come.

My prayers for you this week are that God grant you safety in all your travels, that you serve at all times from a humble heart, that you are stretched in ways you never thought possible, that you draw so close to God you will never again allow anything to come between you and Him, that the Lord breaks your heart and creates a hunger for true justice, and that God gives you the ability to preach His gospel without the need for words. I can’t wait to hear how God has moved through you this week. Going to Haiti was the single most influential event in my life. It changed everything about how I view this world and opened my eyes to the truth of how amazingly liberating it is to let God have complete control. May He show you His love for you in incredible ways this week, and may you feel secure enough in His love to give it all away.


Aunt Jessica

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it
is the only thing that ever has.”
― Margaret Mead

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