Sunday, September 8, 2013

A New Year is Upon Me

Note: I wrote this on Tuesday morning (first day of school for my kids) but I just got around to posting it now! That's how I roll...slowly. :-)

All smiles and giggles were the "Big 3" when I sent them off to school this morning. 1st Grade, Kindergarten, and did we get to here?!?

As a family headed by a middle school teacher with 3 school aged children, we mark the passage of time more by the beginning and ending of school "years" rather than when a new calendar goes up.  These next 10 months will be my first full school year with only one child left at home to take care of and, as glorious as that sounds to me, I know it will present it's own set of hardships as the days roll on. My youngest can should I put it....a little demanding. :o) Add to that fact that this is our first school year in our new house (further away from school, family (except my grandma - yay!), and sitters) and the challenges ramp up a notch.

However, whatever challenges I may be anticipating could not take the smile from my face this morning. Not just because three of my four children are going back to school and thus ending the all-day whining and fighting festival that some people call "summer" (now those activities are saved for mornings, evenings, and weekends only), but also because I am excited for this new season of my life to begin.

I know that God brought us to this new house and, though it means some adjustments must be made, I'm keenly aware that He's right here with us. I also know that God desires new growth for me in this phase of my life and I'm excited (and a little anxious, to be honest!) to see what exactly it is He is planning. I have spent most of my life taking care of everyone else first the majority of the time (especially the last 8 years), leaving little, if any, time to take care of myself. Now I believe God's telling me that I am to start focusing more on what He's doing in me and that He is going to use this time to prepare me for what He's planned for me next year, when I'll have the school days all to myself. (Is that a choir of angels singing that I hear?)

Before I go any further, I want to clarify that I'm not going to stop helping other people. Being a mom and a follower of Jesus means that is a given. In my case, I have a tendency to go to extremes when it comes to neglecting myself for the sake of others (Google 'Codependency' and see what I mean) and that tendency only grew stronger when I became a mother, so this is why God is making a point to me at this time about it. It still feels awkward and incredibly selfish to talk about doing something for myself (even if it will benefit others around me as well). Talking about being excited for what the Lord has in store for "me" rather than "us" or "them" feels a bit like putting on dirty clothes, even though I know it shouldn't. I pray that, in time, God will help me overcome this issue completely.  He needs me to be ready for what He wants me to do and that won't happen if I never stop long enough for Him to prepare me for it.

So as I sit here staring this new school year in the face, I pray that all of you who may stumble upon this page and actually read through this post to this point (and even those who don't!) will experience exponential growth through Christ this season. Whether you sent kids off to school this morning as well, or it's just another Tuesday for you, set your mind on the things of God. Ask Him where He wants to take you, then patiently and expectantly listen for His response. Watch for His hand throughout your days. Feel the Spirit nudge you in the right direction. He has so much He wants to show you; all you have to do is ask and act.

Happy 13'-14' School Year!!! 


  1. God has a plan for all of us. All we have to do is be quiet and listen and we will start to hear what that plan is. So hard to do when you are so busy just keeping up with the kids/household. Glad you are taking this time to stop and listen :)
    love you,

    1. It is hard to do, but totally necessary! Thanks for reading! :O)


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