Friday, September 21, 2012

Rest! Rest, I said!

A few months back I did a self-led study on rest. More specifically, the Sabbath-rest. The first verses I came upon where Hebrews 4:9-11 and what I read there came as quite a shock! 


This may have been common knowledge to some but it was life altering for me! I had been going a mile a minute at this point in time, hardly having a moment to rest, let alone an entire Sabbath day. There was always so many tasks to get done and places to go, so many people to take care of, so many things to clean, cook, manage.....I felt guilty for even sitting down when there were so many other things I "should" be doing. I even folded laundry standing up because I was so worn out that if I sat down to fold the clothes, I'd immediately start falling asleep. This was either a testament to how comfortable my couches are, or, to how ragged I was running myself just trying to keep up.

God knew people's propensity to behave this way, and He knew it was not good. He put down some harsh guidelines back in Moses' day just to draw the people's attention to its importance (Ex 31:12-17). It was during this study that I became aware that I HAD to change something. 

Making sure that our family had a Sabbath where we could rest and reflect on what God is doing in our lives was no easy feat. My husband works a demanding job that often requires late nights and some weekends so weekdays/nights were out right off the bat. Since Saturdays were often a work day for my husband and also the only day the local farmer's market and mom2mom sales were running (necessary for a family of 6 w/ young kids!), it was out too. That left Sunday. 

I worked for our church at the time, running the Nursery. I was there for 7 hours every Sunday morning and I can assure you that it was not time spent resting! I loved my job there and people I worked with even more, but, after months of prayer and Godly counsel, I knew it had to go. It was the only thing I cut and be able to put a day of rest in its place on a regular basis. I couldn’t get rid of the kids, the house, or the husband’s job! (Not that I would, of course! :O) ) Even though it was a very tough decision, I have not regretted it.

The revelation that not resting was being disobedient to God was a huge one. Realizing that God commanded us to take a break and just enjoy his presence for a whole day each week has brought much needed peace into my life. Is life perfect now? Are my days of getting stressed out over? No, of course not, but now there is a day I truly look forward to: A day that my family goes together to worship and serve God at our church; a day that my family spends together without a hectic agenda to adhere to; a day that I throw frozen pizzas in the oven, pop some corn, and sit down to a movie with my kids in the evening. We all look forward to our Sabbath Sundays now and we’re more available to God because of it. I guess God does know what’s best! ;-)

“Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from Him. Truly He is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken.” (Ps 62:1-2)


  1. I feel you here! An entire day of rest, I feel like I cannot pull that off. And there is also the fact that I rest differently than other people do. I would love to do a really great uninterrupted workout. I am working on my day of rest, sometimes it is a half a day here and a half a day there, but I know it is important and I know eventually I will get there.

  2. Truly, rest is different for us all. I was just thinking about that fact this morning and how it will continue to evolve through each stage of our lives. I'm glad you're working on it; it's so vital! Thanks for reading! :O)


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